CEQA Document | Fees Effective January 1, 2025 |
Negative Declaration (ND) | $ 2,968.75 |
Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) | $ 2,968.75 |
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) | $ 4,123.50 |
Environmental Document pursuant to a Certified Regulatory Program (CRP) | $ 1,401.75 |
County Clerk Processing Fee | $ 50.00 |
CEQA filing
Check California Department of Fish and Wildlife if you have a question regarding California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Reports.
Check the environmental notice and fee schedule for more information.
You can file California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Reports in person or by mail.
By email
- Only credit card or intra-charge account are accepted as a form of payment via email. All applicable fees must be paid at the time of filing, please provide accurate credit card information to prevent a delay in your filing.
- Please note, there is a 10-page limit when submitting by email.
- Include, for each filing, a CEQA filing cover sheet, along with any attachments which could include:
- Negative Declaration
- Environmental Impact Report
- Notice of Intent
- Notice of Preparation
- Notice of Availability
- Notice of Exemption
In person
- Bring the original and two copies of each environmental filing. The original and each copy are required to have a completed CEQA filing cover sheet.
- Payment of all fees (for both County and State) are required to complete filings.
By mail
Include the original and two copies of each environmental filing. The original and each copy are required to have a completed CEQA filing cover sheet. If there are attachments, please provide three (3) sets of attachments for submission.
- Payment of all fees (for both County and State) are required to complete filings.
- Provide a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Be sure to submit a check or money order payable to the Clerk-Recorder's Office and mail to:
Santa Clara County Clerk-Recorder's Office
ATTN: Business Division
110 West Tasman Drive, 1st Floor
San Jose, CA 95134