Additional information on researching official records
The Clerk-Recorder's Office does not provide search service. If you require a title search, please contact title company for title search services.
- Property addresses are not included in the Clerk-Recorder's index, however, as a convenience, you may search Assessor's data for an address or Assessor's Parcel Number (APN).
- The Assessor's lookup will indicate the document number of the most recently recorded document that changed title to the property. Once you have that document number, it may be viewed for seller's (grantor) name, buyer's (grantee) name, legal description, etc. If you want to view ownership history, you may use the seller's name to search for the previous document, and so on. You may also contact the Assessor's office to obtain this information.
- Official Record copies may be ordered plain or certified. Certified copies have the addition of the Recorder's endorsement stamp and certification.