What do I need to order?
Please make sure you have the following
- Requestor's name
- Requestor's address
- Requestor's phone #
- Name on document / Title of document / Map type
- Document recording date
- Document number / Instrument number / Book # and page #
- APN # (Assessor Parcel Number) if applicable
- Certified or plain copy (type of copy)
How much does it cost per document?
- $4 first page + $2 each additional page + $2 certification fee
Note: It may be difficult to determine the amount to include on a check for a mail order if you do not know how many pages you will be purchasing. If so, we suggest that you send a check with a not to exceed amount (NTE $) on the memo line. We will enter the correct amount owed to the Clerk-Recorder's Office and process the payment.
How do I make payment?
- By check / money order (no processing fee):
- Check payable to "Clerk-Recorder's Office"
- By credit card (requires $6.00 processing fee):
- Cards accepted includes Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
How do I order? (By phone)
We are not able to take orders by phone.
Mail request to
Santa Clara County Clerk-Recorder's Office
ATTN: Business Division
110 West Tasman Drive, 1st Floor
San Jose, CA 95134
Note: The following are required for credit card orders:
- Credit card #
- Name and address of the credit card holder
- Expiration date on credit card
How long will it take?
Up to 5 workdays to process your application
How does it get delivered?
Through pre-paid UPS
- Up to 5 working days processing
- Delivery relies on UPS time frames
Through regular mail
- Up to 5 working days processing
- Deliver within normal U.S. postal time frames
Where to fax?
(408) 280-1768
Where to email?
Mail request to
Santa Clara County Clerk-Recorder's Office
ATTN: Business Division
110 West Tasman Drive, 1st Floor
San Jose, CA 95134