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Online services

Birth, death and marriage records can be requested through the mail or online through the VitalCheck service.  A completed sworn statement in addition to a notary acknowledgment is required. Completed requests will be sent through the US mail within four to six weeks.

Vital Records copy request forms and information.

Both parties getting married must visit the office for marriage services.  The marriage license application can be submitted online prior to visiting our office.

Marriage license forms and information

If you have general questions, email us at [email protected].

Documents sent through the mail will be reviewed and recorded within ten business days if it meets all recording requirements. The original will be mailed out within six to eight weeks.

If you have general questions about recording documents and fees, email us at [email protected]

Note: We do not carry real estate recording forms, and we do not give legal advice. For copies of recorded documents, please see Business Filings and Official Record Copies. For questions relating to Propositions 19 and 58, please contact the Santa Clara County Assessor's Office.

Fictitious Business Filings (FBN) and Official Record Copy requests will continue to be accepted either via mail or email.  However, you may now make an appointment for these services.

If you have general questions and official record copy requests, email us at [email protected].

Fictitious Business Names forms and information.

Official Record copy information.

Notary filings will continue to be accepted through the mail. However, you may now make an appointment for these services.

Access Notary Oath filing information.

If you have general questions, email us at [email protected].

CEQA filings will continue to be accepted electronically if it is under the ten-page limit.

General CEQA information.

You can also search a list of CEQA filings.

If you have general questions, email us at [email protected].

The Clerk-Recorder's Office can send out daily .csv files by email for the previous day or for the past 30 days. These files will include date, document number, grantor/grantee, document titles(s), and transfer tax paid.  To receive these emails, please submit a request by email to [email protected] with the subject line of "Request for Recorded Documents Report" to be reviewed and added to our email list. For any other research requests, please email to [email protected] with the subject line of "Research Request".