Basic document requirements
Name(s) of person(s) requesting recording (Govt. Code § 27361.6)
The upper left - hand corner of each document is intended for use by the Public to show the person(s) requesting recording.
Return address (Govt. Code § 27361.6)
The upper left - hand corner of each document is intended for use by the public to show the name and address to whom the document should be returned.
Legibility or photographability (Govt. Code § 27361.7)
Whenever a document, or portion of a document, is not sufficiently legible to produce a readable photographic record, a legible copy may be attached and shall be certified by the party creating the copy to be a true copy of the original. Legible copy also pertains to notary seals, certificates and other appendages thereto.
English language translation (Govt. Codes § 8, 27293; AG OPINION 82 - 1209; CC - 2923.3)
Whenever a document, or portion of a document, is in a foreign language, an English translation, certified by the county clerk, may be attached thereto and subsequently recorded. A document which has a foreign language apostille attached and which has been executed outside the United States may be recorded without a translation of the apostille. Notices of Default and Notices of Trustee Sale may be recorded without translation if the summary is included and contains languages other than English.
Name(s) of party(ies) to be indexed (Govt. Code § 27280.5)
Names of party (ies) to be indexed shall be legibly signed, typed, or printed.
Signature(s) (Govt. Codes § 27201 B, 27280.5; CC – 1213, 1218)
Signatures must be original unless the document is a certified copy issued by the appropriate custodian of the public record.
Signature(s) acknowledged
Signatures must be acknowledged unless exempted from acknowledgement per Government Codes § 27282, 27285, and 27330.
Tax declaration signed
Per Revenue and Taxation § 11933, the tax declaration must be signed on deeds or instruments conveying title to real property.
Mailing of tax statements (Govt. Code § 27321.5)
Every deed or instrument executed to convey fee title to real property shall have noted on the first page thereof the name and address to which future tax statements may be mailed.
Assessor's parcel number (COUNTY ORD. NO. A30-42.5)
Every deed or instrument executed to convey fee title to real property, which indicates a transfer tax shall have noted the assessor’s parcel number in the document.